
Pat Cordaro and family have been making Mama Mia’s Italian grocery products fresh in Louisiana for nearly 50 years.

Find us at your local grocer
Jimmy's Food Store in Dallas; Most grocery chains in the Shreveport area, including Sam's Club; 100s of stores across South Louisiana, East Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma!
Featured Products
Garlic Spread

Makes great garlic bread. Spread over seafood, steak, pasta, vegetables, or chicken.
Sizes Available: 7.6 oz. and 30 oz.

Olive Salad Mix

Top any green salad or pasta salad. Enjoy as appetizer or muffuletta dressing.
Size Available: 30 oz.

Pasta Sauce

Mama Lou's famous family recipe. This is where it all began 50 years ago.
Sizes Available: 32 oz. and 64 oz.

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